Couples massages
During a couples massage, you’ll experience a sensuous, tingling massage that incorporates your entire body, including your genitals, if you wish. What could be better than treating yourself to something nice and letting yourself indulge in gentle touching after a hectic, stressful day? In a mutual game of ‘give and take’, you’ll experience a totally new level of being present in your own body, as well as the stirrings of desire.
Couples massages can take place together or in separate rooms.
There are different options for how to spend the final half hour of the massage: you can choose between a yoni or lingam massage, or simply enjoy the time by yourself.
If the two of you decide to use separate rooms, you’ll both have a wonderful, simultaneous experience without distracting each other. This makes it easier to stay focused and conscious of yourself!
You’re also welcome to book a ‘Couples Mini-Course’. You’ll receive an intensive massage and also learn how to massage your partner. In terms of timing, couples’ massages start at 1.5 hours.
We request that you book an appointment at least 2 days in advance.
The Feelings team is ready to answer any questions you have, respond to requests or set up an appointment; you can reach us by telephone or email.
Your Feelings Team in Cologne.